Ida M Conflitti

Project Management . Research . Data Analysis . Scientific Writing . Teaching . Graphic Design


2008-2014 Doctor of Philosophy Degree | University of Toronto, Royal Ontario Museum
  • Ecology and evolutionary biology.
  • Awarded 5 fellowships and 12 scholarships, including a NSERC Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarship at both Master's (1 year) and Doctoral (3 consecutive years) levels; presented research at 11 conferences (national and international) and received 2 presentation awards.

2003-2008 Honours Bachelor of Science Degree | University of Toronto
  • Zoology specialist.
  • Awarded 11 scholarships, including a NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Award; named a Dean's List Scholar (4 consecutive years); invited into Golden Key International Honour Society; graduated with High Distinction (cumulative GPA: 3.97/4.00).

1999-2000 Digital Media Design Diploma | International Academy of Design


2019-2024 Research Project Manager | York University
  • Managed BeeCSI project; a national Genome Canada-funded initiative to improve the health of honey bees by developing stressor-specific biomarkers.

2017-2019 Lab Manager | York University
  • Involved in research on bee conservation and evolutionary genomics.
  • Managed the molecular genetics laboratory and trained undergraduate students.

2016-2017 Wildlife Rehabilitator | Toronto Wildlife Centre
  • Specialized in songbird assessment and treatment; trained interns and volunteers.
  • Completed courses in pain management, parasitology, zoonoses (International Wildlife Rehabilitation Council); passed Ontario wildlife rehabilitation exam (Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry).

2016 Quantitative Analyst | Independent Trading Group (ITG) Inc.
  • Involved in research and development of biologically-based machine learning techniques for electronic trading systems.

2008-2015 Research Assistant | University of Toronto, Royal Ontario Museum
  • Conducted research on black fly population genetics, phylogenetics, and systematics, as well as turtle conservation genetics.
  • Produced 10 publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals (8 first author publications).

2008-2014 Teaching Assistant | University of Toronto
  • Led laboratory exercises for vertebrate anatomy; assisted with course re-design.

2008 Research and Laboratory Assistant | University of Toronto, Royal Ontario Museum
  • Assisted with research on shorebird phylogenetics and systematics.

2000-2005 Advertising Graphic Designer and Developer | HowToWebTV Inc.
  • Produced websites, banners, logos, print packages, and television graphics.


Wizenberg SB, Pepinelli M, Do BN, Moubony M, Tamashekan D, Conflitti IM, and Zayed A, in review. Inferring plant community phenology via bee-collected pollen. Environmental DNA.

Tiwari T, Brenman-Suttner D, Kent CF, Rose S, Patel H, Conflitti IM, and Zayed A, in review. Studying the genomics of behavior in the genomics era. Encyclopedia of Animal Behavior, 3rd Edition, Elsevier (invited chapter).

McAfee A, Alavi-Shoushtari N, Labuschagne R, Tran L, Common J, Higo H, Pernal SF, Giovenazzo P, Hoover SE, Guzman-Novoa E, Currie RW, Wolf Veiga P, French SK, Conflitti IM, Pepinelli M, Borges D, Walsh EM, Bishop CA, Zayed A, Duffe J, Guarna MM, and Foster LJ, in press. Regional patterns and climatic predictors of viruses in honey bee (Apis mellifera) colonies over time. Scientific Reports.

Tran L, Lansing L, Cunningham M, Ho J, Deckers T, Newman T, Wu L, Gregoris AS, Zorz J, Muntz L, Lee K, Trepanier-Leroux D, Conflitti IM, Pepinelli M, Walsh EM, Morfin N, Powell JE, Moran N, Hoover SE, Pernal SF, Currie RW, Giovenazzo P, Guzman-Novoa E, Jabbari H, Foster LJ, Zayed A, Ortega Polo R, and Guarna MM, in press. Gut microbiome metagenomic sequences of honey bees (Apis mellifera) exposed to crops. Microbiology Resource Announcements.

Bixby M, French SK, Wizenberg SB, Jamieson A, Pepinelli M, Cunningham MM, Conflitti IM, Foster L, Zayed A, and Guarna MM, 2024. Identifying and modeling the impact of neonicotinoid exposure on honeybee colony profit. Journal of Economic Entomology 117, 2228-2241. view abstract

Dogantzis KA, Patel H, Rose S, Conflitti IM, Dey A, Tiwari T, Chapman NC, Kadri SM, Patch HM, Muli EM, Alqarni AS, Allsopp MH, and Zayed A, 2024. Accurate detection of scutellata-hybrids (Africanized bees) using a SNP-based diagnostic assay. Ecology and Evolution 14, e70554. view abstract

Wizenberg SB, French SK, Newburn LR, Pepinelli M, Conflitti IM, Moubony M, Ritchie C, Jamieson A, Richardson RT, Travas A, Imrit MA, Chihata M, Higo H, Common J, Walsh EM, Bixby M, Guarna MM, Pernal SF, Hoover SE, Currie RW, Giovenazzo P, Guzman-Novoa E, Borges D, Foster LJ, and Zayed A, 2024. Pollen foraging mediates exposure to dichotomous stressor syndromes in honey bees. PNAS Nexus 3, pgae440. view abstract

McAfee A, Alavi-Shoushtari N, Tran L, Labuschagne R, Cunningham M, Tsvetkov N, Common J, Higo H, Pernal SF, Giovenazzo P, Hoover SE, Guzman-Novoa E, Currie RW, Wolf Veiga P, French SK, Conflitti IM, Pepinelli M, Borges D, Walsh EM, Bishop CA, Zayed A, Duffe J, Foster LJ, and Guarna MM, 2024. Climatic predictors of prominent honey bee (Apis mellifera) disease agents: Varroa destructor, Melissococcus plutonius, and Vairimorpha spp. PLOS Climate 3, e0000485. view abstract

McAfee A, French SK, Wizenberg SB, Newburn LR, Tsvetkov N, Higo H, Common J, Pernal SF, Giovenazzo P, Hoover SE, Guzman-Novoa E, Currie RW, Wolf Veiga P, Conflitti IM, Pepinelli M, Tran L, Zayed A, Guarna MM, and Foster LJ, 2024. Higher prevalence of sacbrood virus in Apis mellifera (Hymenoptera: Apidae) colonies after pollinating highbush blueberries. Journal of Economic Entomology 117, 1324-1335. view abstract

French SK, Pepinelli M, Conflitti IM, Jamieson A, Higo H, Common J, Walsh EM, Bixby M, Guarna MM, Pernal SF, Hoover SE, Currie RW, Giovenazzo P, Guzman-Novoa E, Borges D, Foster LJ, and Zayed A, 2024. Honey bee stressor networks are complex and dependent on crop and region. Current Biology 34, 1-11. view abstract

Dogantzis KA, Raffiudin R, Putra RE, Shaleh I, Conflitti IM, Pepinelli M, Roberts J, Holmes M, Oldroyd BP, Zayed A, and Gloag R, 2024. Post-invasion selection acts on standing genetic variation despite a severe founding bottleneck. Current Biology 34, 1349-1356.e4. view abstract

Wizenberg SB, Newburn LR, Richardson RT, Pepinelli M, Conflitti IM, Moubony M, Borges D, Guarna MM, Guzman-Novoa E, Foster LJ, and Zayed A, 2023. Environmental metagenetics unveil novel plant-pollinator interactions. Ecology and Evolution 13, e10645. view abstract

Wizenberg SB, Newburn LR, Pepinelli M, Conflitti IM, Richardson RT, Hoover SE, Currie RW, Giovenazzo P, and Zayed A, 2023. Validating a multi-locus metabarcoding approach for characterizing mixed-pollen samples collected by honey bees. Plant Methods 19, 120. view abstract

Richardson RT, Conflitti IM, Labuschagne RS, Hoover SE, Currie RW, Giovenazzo P, Guarna MM, Pernal SF, Foster LJ, and Zayed A, 2023. Land use changes associated with declining honey bee health across temperate North America. Environmental Research Letters 18, 064042. view abstract

Conflitti IM, Imrit MA, Morrison B, Sharma S, Colla SR, and Zayed A, 2022. Bees in the six: Determinants of bumblebee habitat quality in urban landscapes. Ecology and Evolution 12, e8667 (publication covered by Toronto Star & other media groups). view abstract

Dogantzis KA, Tiwari T, Conflitti IM, Dey A, Patch HM, Muli EM, Garnery L, Whitfield CW, Stolle E, Alqarni AS, Allsopp MH, and Zayed A, 2021. Thrice out of Asia and the adaptive radiation of the western honey bee. Science Advances 7, eabj2151. view abstract

Kent CF, Tiwari T, Rose S, Patel H, Conflitti IM, and Zayed A, 2019. Studying the genetics of behaviour in the genomics era. Encyclopedia of Animal Behavior, 2nd Edition, Elsevier, Volume 2, 223–233 (invited chapter). view abstract

Conflitti IM, Shields GF, Murphy RW, and Currie DC, 2017. Resolving evolutionary relationships in closely related non-model organisms: a case study using chromosomally distinct members of a black fly species complex. Systematic Entomology 42, 489-508. view abstract

Conflitti IM, Shields GF, Murphy RW, and Currie DC, 2015. Genetic panmixia within a narrow contact zone between chromosomally and ecologically distinct black fly sibling species (Diptera: Simuliidae). Journal of Evolutionary Biology 28, 1625-1640. view abstract

Conflitti IM, Shields GF, Murphy RW, and Currie DC, 2015. The speciation continuum: ecological and chromosomal divergence in the Simulium arcticum complex (Diptera: Simuliidae). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 115, 13-27. view abstract

Conflitti IM, Shields GF, Murphy RW, and Currie DC, 2014. The speciation continuum: Population structure, gene flow, and maternal ancestry in the Simulium arcticum complex (Diptera: Simuliidae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 78, 43-55. view abstract

Conflitti IM, Pruess KP, Cywinska A, Powers TO, and Currie DC, 2013. DNA barcoding distinguishes pest species of the black fly genus Cnephia (Diptera: Simuliidae). Journal of Medical Entomology 50, 1250-1260. view abstract

Conflitti IM, Shields GF, and Currie DC, 2012. A "complex" problem: delimiting sibling species boundaries in black flies (Diptera: Simuliidae). The Canadian Entomologist 144, 323-336. view abstract

Conflitti IM, Spironello M, and Currie DC, 2012. Molecular phylogeny of the North American Simulium malyschevi-group species (Diptera: Simuliidae). Systematic Entomology 37, 571-577. view abstract

Davy CM, Conflitti IM, Storisteanu DML, and Murphy RW, 2012. Isolation and characterization of eleven novel polymorphic microsatellite loci in the spiny softshell turtle (Apalone spinifera). Conservation Genetics Resources 4, 759-761. view abstract

Davy CM, Leifso AE, Conflitti IM, and Murphy RW, 2012. Characterization of 10 novel microsatellite loci and cross-amplification of two loci in the snapping turtle (Chelydra serpentina). Conservation Genetics Resources 4, 695-698. view abstract

Conflitti IM, Kratochvil MJ, Spironello M, Shields GF, and Currie DC, 2010. Good species behaving badly: Non-monophyly of black fly sibling species in the Simulium arcticum complex (Diptera: Simuliidae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 57, 245-257. view abstract


Note: the following list only includes presentations that I have personally given. I am also an author on another 25 presentations that are not listed here.

Conflitti IM, Foster L, Zayed A, and BeeCSI Consortium, 2021. BeeCSI: tools for assessing bee health. Entomological Society of Canada and Entomological Society of Ontario's Joint Annual Meeting, Virtual (oral presentation).

Conflitti IM, 2018. Bumble bees in an urban landscape. Guest Lecture in Population Genetics, Department of Biology, York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada (oral presentation).

Conflitti IM, 2014. Speciation and Species Boundaries in Black Flies (Diptera: Simuliidae). Exit Seminar, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada (oral presentation).

Conflitti IM, Shields GF, Murphy RW, and Currie DC, 2012. An integrative analysis of cryptic black fly species. Evolution, 1st Joint Congress on Evolutionary Biology, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada (oral presentation).

Conflitti IM, Shields GF, Murphy RW, and Currie DC, 2012. Assessing reproductive isolation among cryptic black fly species. North American Black Fly Association, 10th Annual Meeting, Lake Placid, Florida, USA (oral presentation).

Conflitti IM, Shields GF, Murphy RW, and Currie DC, 2011. Assessing reproductive isolation among cryptic black fly species. Entomological Society of Ontario, 148th Annual Meeting, St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada (oral presentation).

Conflitti IM, Shields GF, Murphy RW, and Currie DC, 2011. A 'complex' problem: Delimiting sibling species boundaries in black flies (Diptera: Simuliidae). Canadian Society for Ecology and Evolution, 6th Annual Meeting, Banff, Alberta, Canada (poster presentation).

Conflitti IM, 2011. A 'complex' problem: Delimiting sibling species boundaries in black flies (Diptera: Simuliidae). Atwood Colloquium in Ecology and Evolution, Toronto, Ontario, Canada (oral presentation).

Conflitti IM, Shields GF, Murphy RW, and Currie DC, 2010. Molecular tests of a chromosome based speciation model in black flies (Diptera: Simuliidae). 7th International Congress of Dipterology, San Jose, Costa Rica (oral presentation).

Conflitti IM, Shields GF, and Currie DC, 2010. Speciation and Species Boundaries in Black Flies (Diptera: Simuliidae). North American Black Fly Association, 8th Annual Meeting, Lake Placid, Florida, USA (oral presentation).

Conflitti IM, 2010. Speciation and Species Boundaries in Black Flies (Diptera: Simuliidae). Appraisal Exam Seminar, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada (oral presentation).

Conflitti IM, and Currie DC, 2009. Speciation and Species Boundaries in Black Flies (Diptera: Simuliidae). Entomological Society of Ontario, 146th Annual Meeting, Minden, Ontario, Canada (oral presentation).

Conflitti IM, and Currie DC, 2009. Microsatellite analysis of the Simulium arcticum species complex from Montana, USA. North American Black Fly Association, 7th Annual Meeting, Lake Placid, Florida, USA (oral presentation).

Awards, Honours, Grants

  • School of Graduate Studies Doctoral Completion Award

  • NSERC Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarship (CGS-D)
  • University of Toronto Fellowship
  • Harold H. Harvey Travel Award
  • North American Black Fly Association Mike Spironello Award for Outstanding Student Presentation

  • NSERC Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarship (CGS-D)
  • University of Toronto Fellowship
  • Harold H. Harvey Travel Award
  • School of Graduate Studies Conference Grant

  • NSERC Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarship (CGS-D)
  • General Motors Women in Science and Mathematics Award
  • J. Douglas Roseborough Prize in Zoology
  • University of Toronto Fellowship
  • North American Black Fly Association Mike Spironello Award for Outstanding Student Presentation

  • NSERC Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarship (CGS-M)
  • Ontario Graduate Scholarship - declined
  • Carl E. Atwood Graduate Award in Zoology
  • University of Toronto Fellowship
  • Entomological Society of Ontario Travel Award

  • A. Murray Fallis Graduate Award in Zoology
  • Helen Sawyer Hogg Graduate Admission Award
  • University of Toronto Fellowship
  • Graduation Book Prize
  • Graduated with High Distinction
  • NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Award
  • Justina Barnicke Scholarship
  • Dorothy Walters Scholarship
  • Dean's List Scholar

  • Edmund Murton Walker Scholarship in Zoology
  • University of Toronto Scholarship
  • McNab Undergraduate In-Course Scholarship
  • Dean's List Scholar

  • Charles Lester Mills Scholarship in Science
  • Edmund Murton Walker Scholarship in Zoology
  • Dean's List Scholar

  • Golden Key International Honour Society Membership
  • Hadwen-Walker Scholarship in Zoology
  • Dean's List Scholar

  • University of Toronto Millie Rotman Shime Scholarship

Outreach, Workshops, Courses

2025-present Project Management Basics Course | Project Management Institute
  • Self-led online course to prepare for the Certified Associate in Project Management exam.

2024-present Chocolatier | Chocolat de Kat
  • Involved in all stages of handcrafted bonbon production; includes decorating, shelling, filling, capping, unmoulding, and packaging.

2023-2024 Certificates in Chocolate Tasting | International Institute of Chocolate & Cacao Tasting
  • Completed Level 1 & Level 2 courses, including exams and blind taste tests.

2022-present Professional Chocolatier Program | George Brown College
  • 7 hands-on courses exploring chocolate science and history, bean-to-bar chocolate making, and professional techniques for producing chocolate specialty products

2016-2017 Bird Rescuer | Fatal Light Awareness Program (FLAP) Canada
  • Patrolled for migratory birds that collided with buildings; provided initial care to injured birds.

2016 Wildlife Caregiver | Toronto Wildlife Centre
  • Assisted with rehabilitation of wild birds, reptiles, and mammals.

2015-2017 Art-making Workshop | Art Gallery of Ontario
  • Attended various workshops to explore art-making techniques (drawing, painting, printmaking, box sculpture, collage).

2011-2024 Scientific Journal Referee | Various Journals
  • Provided reviews of manuscripts submitted to Entomological Science, Genome, Molecular Ecology Resources, and Systematic Entomology.

2009-2013 Biodiversity Educator | Royal Ontario Museum
  • Presented invertebrates and information highlights to families.

2008 Oral Presentation Skills Workshop | University of Toronto
  • Attended a 6 week workshop to improve overall communication skills.
  • Since attending, presented research at several national and international conferences; received 2 presentation awards.