This section contains a random assortment of artwork, beginning with my most recent pieces. See blurbs below for more details.

A little puffy friend! I don't know what species it is, but I do know that it's darn cute. I created this using acrylic paint on paper.

Amigurumi's are so much fun to make. I mostly crochet them, though I have knit a few. Top row: Dave's boat, grumpy frog, crazy chicken; Bottom row: happy octopus, little Yoda, tiny pug. All of these characters, except crazy chicken, were crocheted using super fine yarn and a 3.25mm hook. Crazy chicken was knit using size 2 double pointed needles. Sizes range from about 1.5 to 2.5 inches tall.

I love drawing the female form, it's just so beautiful. I created this piece for a life drawing workshop at the Art Gallery of Ontario (2016). It's simply black and white conte on kraft paper.

I painted this during a workshop at the Art Gallery of Ontario (2016). It's made on canvas using acrylic paint. To practice painting techniques, we were instructed to recreate a famous piece. This is my interpretation of a Monet!
This design is kind of fun. You'll need a swf player to view it (download Adobe Flash Player here). This website navigation bar was made for the YTV show Video and Arcade Top 10. Remember Nicholas Picholas? If you're between 30 and 40 you might know what I'm talking about! It's another piece I created while working as a graphic designer at HowToWebTV Inc (from 2000-2005).

This was my tooth brush! I reproduced it in 3D for the digital media design program at International Academy of Design (from 1999-2000). That used-bristle-look took me forever to recreate!

This was part of another assignment for the digital media design program at International Academy of Design (from 1999-2000). Each eye was cut out from a magazine - I remember feeling kinda creepy while doing it!